It’s Never Too Late to Pursue your Calling

By Brian Mitchell, Managing Partner & CEO My eldest daughter, Maddie, came home from college this week. She’s a junior at the University of Alabama….ROLL TIDE! She recently switched her major from doubling in elementary education and special education to social work. She’s recently been articulating her realization of simply not wanting to be a Read More

Just say “No”!

By Brian Mitchell, Managing Partner & CEO Why is it oftentimes, in both personal and professional scenarios, many people won’t just say “no” when they don’t agree, can’t comply, don’t have time, or are simply no longer interested?  Which is more rude – swiftly being clear on a decision that you disagree and/or won’t do Read More

Will or Skill

By Brian Mitchell, Managing Partner & CEO I work with a lot of investors seeking CEO/GM operators to lead their portfolio companies as well as those CEOs seeking key executives to take on critical leadership functions on the senior management team. The CEO for a startup is much different than the CEO of a 200M Read More

The CEO Transition Plan: How to Ensure a Smooth Process

CEO succession is paramount to the long-term success of any company that intends to exist beyond a single generation. Additionally, a CEO of a startup is often not the best CEO at 100M or to lead an IPO and public entity. But transitioning from one leader to another is one of the most challenging tasks Read More

Stop Selling & Start Helping

By Brian Mitchell, CEO & Managing Partner I had a former boss who used to say, “Persuasion is getting other people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.” Persuasion is part of salesmanship but the concept always struck me as manipulative, self-serving, and generally a one-sided transactional thought Read More

Lazy Candidates Don’t Get Offers

By Brian Mitchell, Managing Partner & CEO.  I recently received feedback from a client CEO on a candidate I had presented for a high-profile C-suite role in his company. This is a proven senior executive and former CEO herself currently leading a significant function at another company within the industry. After the first interview, my Read More