By Brian Mitchell, Managing Partner & CEO.

Summer is over. Hopefully you were able to take some time off the grid, go on vacation, and spend some overdue time with loved ones. It’s important to take a little bit of down time to relax and recharge your battery. However, September is not that time and once Labor Day has passed, it’s time to labor at your craft.

With less than four months to go in year 2016, are you on track to reach your goals? You dedicated the time and energy around the Christmas holidays last year to think through and document your objectives for the imminent year to come. Are you on track to achieve them? Are you blowing them out? Are you falling short? This is a good time to dust off that “action plan” you put together last December, review and take inventory of your efforts and results. If you’re not where you want to be, IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Whatever your stated goals, professional or personal, you have plenty of time to impact 2016.

Your revenue teams are not at quota? Commit to doubling your calls, meetings, hours – whatever metrics work – from now through November.

You’re not in shape? Commit to going to the gym early every morning for 60 minutes of a specific workout routine from now through November.

Your engineering and QA teams are inefficiently slowing your product launch? Commit to identifying and hiring an upgraded CTO before the end of November.

Whatever the objective – launching your startup, raising capital, hiring a key staff member, buying a house – the key is to TAKE ACTION. Recommit to the next 90 days and see where you are in early December. You can still have a massive impact on this year, but the key is consistent and dedicated action NOW. Worst-case result, you will have a swell of momentum heading into 2017 and be that much closer to your long-term objectives.

Nobody is going to do it for you so just get it done.